Sure, I was one of only two guys in the room of almost 30, but I must say I rather enjoyed the experience. The room was extremely hot, and I was sweating more than I ever had before. Sweat was literally pouring from my head, which I found very enjoyable in that "boy I am really pushing the envelope here" sort of way. I could only do about half the poses, because the pace that the class was keeping was too much for me, so I required frequent breathers, lest I pass out and embarass myself and my girlfriend.
So the whole thing went quite well. Afterwards, I had that glowing post-exercise feeling of accomplishment. The only discomfort stemmed from the fact that I hadn't brought a change of underwear, which were completely soaked in sweat.
After the class, we stopped by One of a Kind Pasta & Grill for some dinner. I had the shrimp curry which was quite good. Overall, a great place to eat and spend some time, just a great all-around vibe. Wearing soaking wet briefs detracts somewhat from the enjoyment, but I used my imagination.
Good for you for trying out hot yoga! I love it and now that I've found your blog I'll be directing my signifigant other here so he can see that there's nothing to be afraid of...except copious amounts of sweat! How did you feel after?
Felt pretty good, actually. Drained and satisfied. And almost no sore muscles the next day either.
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